Line Art guided tour
If the visible world is not recognisable in an image or painting, then how can the audience understand what the artist wants to show us?
Does the artist make a statement about the world in which we live through elevating colour and form to independent means? Just as the introduction of symbolism in the genres of biblical scenes and historical pieces is necessary, the viewer has to go deeply into the art and into the imagination of the abstract artist.
Inner reality and self-awareness is often the subject of the abstract artist and needs translation.
The exhibit 'line art' aids the public with the understanding of abstract art. The artist working in abstract art conveys something to us. But what?
How does he do that?
Visual language is able to reflect some of the secret(s)
of reality, not by muttering established formulas, but precisely through the use of an extremely thought-out language. Yes, art lovers are reluctant about abstract
art, because they do not understand it. As soon as art becomes abstract, it is seen as "meaningless". Experiencing abstract art starts with
seeing. To retrieve the meaning is a matter of iconography. And that can be taught.